Important - We have been advised that the myGP App will cease in the near future. We recommend that patients using this App should switch to another service, such as the NHS App or Patient Access.
525 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 2AG
Telephone: 0151 645 3464
If you have an urgent medical problem which cannot wait until the surgery re-opens please dial 111 or visit NHS 111 Online to access the out-of-hours service.
Wirral Breast Screening Cheshire and Merseyside Secure Data Environment (SDE) NHS Living Well Service Spider Project & Compañeros Activity Timetables March 2025 Public consultation on proposed changes to gluten free prescribing ending soon How to enable notifications on the NHS App Norovirus Update February 2025 Missed Appointments Spider Project Timetable February 2025 January 2025 Missed Appointments
You can order your repeat medication in the following ways:
When requesting a prescription that is not a repeat prescription patients need to ensure that they give an explanation why they are requesting it otherwise it will be rejected by the GP. These will be ready within 24 hours.
Please provide a urine sample for urinary symptoms before 1.00 p.m.
You can now sign up with your local pharmacy to this new service. Your repeat prescriptions can be electronically sent through to your nominated Pharmacy, with no need to call into the Surgery to pick up your paper prescription.
Rowlands Pharmacy Rock Ferry is attached to our premises. Their telephone number is: 0151 645 3131.
From time to time your medication may change:-
Your Doctor will only do this if the new medication is as good as or better at treating your condition.
If you have any queries about these changes to your medication please speak to a member of staff at the practice or if you prefer your local Pharmacist.
Making such changes helps to ensure that every penny spent on your local NHS is spent wisely.
This Practice participates in the Wirral Prescribing Incentive Scheme. This scheme aims to increase the quality and cost effectiveness of prescribing.