Important - We have been advised that the myGP App will cease in the near future. We recommend that patients using this App should switch to another service, such as the NHS App or Patient Access.

Riverside Surgery

525 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 2AG

Telephone: 0151 645 3464

If you have an urgent medical problem which cannot wait until the surgery re-opens please dial 111 or visit NHS 111 Online to access the out-of-hours service.

Wellbeing Practitioners are now part of Riverside Surgery

Posted on August 19th, 2020


Wellbeing practitioners are now part of this practice! Some things cannot be fixed by medicine alone…emotional, practical, financial or physical issues can affect your health and wellbeing, but they may need more than a visit to your GP or nurse.

Wellbeing Practitioners (WPs) offer the type of help that doesn’t come in the form of pills, tablets or injections.

We listen to what matters to you and offer personalised advice on how to increase control over your health and manage your needs in a way that suits you.

Our goal is to empower and give you confidence to sustain lifestyle changes or take control of practical problems that stop you from feeling your best.

We can also help you connect to others and facilitate access to a wide range of non-clinical services, activities and organisations in our local community, which will help improve your health and wellbeing.

Who will benefit from speaking to a WP?

Anyone can benefit from a chat with a WP, even those who are not currently affected by a serious or pressing problem.

The support you receive from a WP is adapted to your personal situation and related to any aspect of your life that can be targeted to improve your health and wellbeing.

Some of the things we can do include providing non-clinical support surrounding:

Dealing with practical problems

If you have any concerns regarding housing, money, welfare, access to food or prescriptions, etc. we will give you direct support when possible (i.e. if you need access to an electronic device to speak to your family). If your problem requires long term changes, we will help to organise a plan to improve your situation and connect with local services that offer support.

Connecting to others

Whether you would like to meet new people or have a regular place where you can find company, we will help you connect with groups of people who share similar interests. There are plenty of opportunities to get involved in life-enriching activities locally, such as volunteering, painting or music classes, group learning, gardening, healthy eating, money management or exercise classes.

Improving your mental wellbeing

If you are feeling low, isolated, anxious, stressed or depressed we are here to listen and provide personalised advice on the best way to access help.

If you have any other concerns or would like to make changes to your lifestyle habits we are on hand to listen and support you as much as needed.

How does it work?

There are many different ways WPs can help, and they all start with a conversation.

You can speak to your WP by simply booking an appointment with our reception team or contacting

Alternatively, someone in our practice (your GP, a nurse or a Care Navigator) may ask you if you would like to speak to a Wellbeing Practitioner.

During the initial appointment your WP you will talk about what matters to you and the changes you would like to make. Your WP will help to create a plan that identifies relevant support available, how to access it and the steps you need to take next.  Follow up appointments and support will be available for as long as needed.

Appointments normally take place at your GP practice, but home and video/audio consultations are also available at your request.

Here is what people are saying after speaking to their WP

“I am so grateful for the call from the Wellbeing Practitioner, it has completely lifted my spirits”

“I have now got shopping being delivered weekly, my prepaid electric meter has been topped up and I have a lovely exercise pack sent to me from them to keep me physically and mentally well during lockdown”

“I can’t thank them enough for their call and support”