Important - We have been advised that the myGP App will cease in the near future. We recommend that patients using this App should switch to another service, such as the NHS App or Patient Access.

Riverside Surgery

525 New Chester Road, Rock Ferry, Wirral, CH42 2AG

Telephone: 0151 645 3464

If you have an urgent medical problem which cannot wait until the surgery re-opens please dial 111 or visit NHS 111 Online to access the out-of-hours service.

December 2019 DNA’s

Posted on January 8th, 2020

If you did not attend (DNA) an appointment it is noted on your records.

Did you know that in December 2019 192 appointments were wasted by patients failing to keep a pre-booked appointment at this surgery and not informing us.

  • 59 appointments with the GP’s
  • 133 appointments with the Nursing team

Please note we will write to patients who continue to fail to attend appointments at the Practice without letting us know and your registration with us will be reviewed.